9 totally terrific facts about sharks
No matter how frightened you may be of the ocean’s ultimate hunter there’s really no escaping how awesome and awe-inspiring these animals are. With more than 465 known species, sharks are the top of their food chain, apex predators just likes us. But they’ve been around a lot, lot, longer—thought to have originated some 300 … Continued
Destination spotlight: Bahamas
The islands of the Bahamas are ringed with lush coral, underground cave systems and plunging barrier reefs. Beyond the white sands and turquoise water, marine life abounds: agile reef sharks, manatees, sea turtles and wild dolphins. Our crews recently visited the Bahamas to film the local wildlife for Bahama Blue. Above are just a few … Continued
More than half of all sea turtles have eaten plastic, says study
Last week Dr Qamar Schuyler (University of Queensland), along with a team of international scientists, published a report in the journal Global Change Biology which aimed to quantify the impact of marine debris on sea turtles. Using modelling techniques they revealed that up to 52% of sea turtles world-wide may have ingested plastic debris. Plastic … Continued