Jane Goodall on life, legacy and why dirt-lovin’ youngsters are our best chance to save the world
When Dr Jane Goodall arrives for our interview at the Chelsea Hotel in downtown Toronto, she’s only moments off the phone talking about November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. It’s there that Dr Goodall will join the world’s most prominent environmental activists and experts, scientists and politicians, all of which have one objective … Continued
7 amazing facts about gorillas that you probably didn’t know
Next to chimpanzees and bonobos, gorillas are the closest living relatives to humans. They share at least 95% of their DNA with us, and our two species derive from the same common ancestor. Despite this, gorilla populations have been sadly neglected by humans. Habitat loss due to increasing human populations and poaching for the bushmeat … Continued
Contenders for the cow: Other animals we’ve tried to milk (and why the cow is still tops)
Milk forms part of a healthy diet in humans. It is a great source of calcium—essential for keeping our bones and teeth strong—and protein, which we need for our bodies to grow and repair themselves. Vitamin B-12, vitamin A, vitamin D and potassium are all good for us and are present in milk, and the … Continued