Creature currency: Nature’s most beloved beasts, as illustrated on the humble banknote
Currency. Every society (more or less) uses it, but have you ever stopped to stare at the amazing array of creatures that are detailed on the back of those crumpled pieces of paper (and now, plastic) we stuff into our pockets and wallets each week? From the Philippines’ pikoy, to Bermuda’s bluebird, onto the splendid … Continued
Celebrate Valentine's Day with a homemade symbol of nature's love
As anyone who read yesterday’s article will know, the Japanese, or red-crowned, crane is widely regarded as a symbol of love, luck and fidelity. In fact—according to Japanese lore—if a hard working and dedicated individual folds one thousand origami paper cranes, then they’ll be granted a single wish come true or a lifetime of good fortune. So whilst it may … Continued