10 animals still hunted for debunked healing properties
To date scientists have managed to isolate over 12,000 different plant compounds, hundreds of which are utilised in modern medicine. In stark contrast, not one single useful compound has ever been identified in the body parts of the endangered species that are hunted for use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Even so, TCM remains a … Continued
New seahorse study redefines the term 'superdad'
Scientists from Australia, the United States and Switzerland recently got together to shine a light on the more intimate details of seahorse pregnancy, and their amazing findings might just redefine the term ‘superdad’. ‘In a nutshell we found seahorse dads’ brood pouch, that holds the females’ deposited eggs, undergo changes and processes quite like human … Continued
Seahorses could be extinct within 30 years
Seahorses could become extinct within three decades if action is not taken to stop the sale of dead marine life as curiosities, conservationists have warned. Undercover research by the international charity, Save Our Seahorses, has revealed that 150 million seahorses are killed worldwide every year for the seaside curio trade and for use in traditional … Continued