Against all odds: The incredible story of the Amur tiger

‘Saving the tiger is a test; if we pass, we get to keep the planet.’ Those were the wise words of American writer and environmentalist Marjorie Stoneman Douglas (1890-1998) who truly understood the significance of conserving this most beautiful and powerful of species, the tiger (Panthera tigris). There is only one species of tiger but … Continued

Crocodile-wrestling celebrity tiger dies in India

India is in mourning today after the death of a much-loved Bengal tiger called Machali in Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan. Famed for her serene bearing and beautiful markings, Machali was one of the most photographed tigers in the world, and has even appeared on a stamp. But her beauty was every bit matched by her … Continued

The puzzling case of what to do with 'T24', India's man-eating tiger

The case of India’s Ranthambore Tiger #24, aka Ustad—transferred from his jungle-bound reserve home to a zoo after killing four humans—has recieved a lot of attention from the media, general public, and activists. But according to those who actually work on the front lines of conservation in the country, this decision is one based on careful … Continued

The story behind the tiger that fell out of a truck in Doha and ran away, straight onto social media

A few weeks back an immature tiger became the latest in the series of exotic ‘pets’ to make headlines. According to this video posted on Facebook, the young tiger fell out of the back of a truck onto a jam-packed road in the Qatari metropolis Doha, and spent a few moments desperately seeking cover before … Continued

The story behind the tiger that fell out of a truck in Doha and ran away, straight onto social media

A few weeks back an immature tiger became the latest in the series of exotic ‘pets’ to make headlines. According to this video posted on Facebook, the young tiger fell out of the back of a truck onto a jam-packed road in the Qatari metropolis Doha, and spent a few moments desperately seeking cover before … Continued

The definitive big cat cookbook for taking down the perfect prey

Big cats are one of our planets most successful groups of predators which have existed in one form or another (Felidae) for 25 million years. Today they are found on every continent except Antarctica, living in environments ranging from dry deserts and freezing tundra to tropical rainforests and lush grasslands. The tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard, … Continued

Brave goat and compassionate tiger form remarkable bond

A Siberian tiger in a Russian animal park has taken on a new and rather unusual friend—one initially meant to be his dinner. Visitors to the Far Eastern Safari Park in Russia’s maritime Primorsky region have been witness to quite a spectacular, albeit odd, performance in the last few weeks. Twice each week the Park’s … Continued

These endangered Indonesian animals are dying in the worst forest fire on record

People and animals in Indonesia currently face an apocalyptic scenario. Wildfires are ploughing destructive paths through the nation’s islands, producing more carbon dioxide than the entire US economy while polluting the country in a thick and inescapable smog. Similar fires take place every year, with dried-out peat forests intentionally burned to make room for industrial … Continued