Check out the fresh new nature shows on the app this week

In our opinion, you can never get enough nature documentaries.

There’s something about sitting down and putting on a great show about the many animals that inhabit our grand old planet that really get’s us going. That’s why we’ve collated some of the most interesting natural history documentaries out there right now and bundled them together in our exclusive video streaming app. We bring the freshest content—regularly updated and from the wildest parts of our world—together on one platform ready for your viewing pleasure. This week, we’ve added the following new titles to the service.

1735720Fish Life: A Sea of Love

Underwater intimacy takes on many forms. Some form monogamous life-long relationships, others gather a harem of dozens of potential mates, while some go so far as to change their own sexual physiology to match up with a partner.

1615592Icons of the Wild: Birds of Africa

With over 2,500 distinct species of birds, Africa is a birdwatcher’s paradise! From intricate nests constructed by tiny weavers to the long-legged storks and herons hunting along the riverbed, observe the often strange and spectacular behaviour of Africa’s iconic wild birds.

1573581Fish Life: The Odd, The Weird and the Unusual

With eyes, legs and mouths so radically different from our own human form, many underwater species could easily be mistaken as originating from another world. Witness the surprising and unusual physical adaptations that aquatic creatures have used with great effectiveness to survive for millions of years.

Slow TV

Here at Love Nature, we’re also of the opinion that the enjoyment of nature shouldn’t be rushed. Like the millennial-long movements of glaciers, a proper appreciation of our amazing planet can take a bit of time. That’s why we’re proud to present Nature Scenes, an online exclusive Slow TV viewing experience. Be prepared to get lost in amazing visuals of some of Earth’s most amazing locations. This week we’ve added the following shows to the service:

arieals2Aerials: Utah—Part 2

Nature Scenes are an immersive, ultra HD, Slow TV viewing experience—unencumbered by words—showing our world at its most beautiful. One half hour of uninterrupted canyons. Soar through Utah’s Zion canyon with these stunning aerials.

areiels3Aerials: Lake Powell—Part 3

Nature Scenes are an immersive, ultra HD, Slow TV viewing experience—unencumbered by words—showing our world at its most beautiful. One half hour of uninterrupted aerials of the stunning Lake Powell.

Get connected with wildlife and the wonders of the natural world—sign up for a free trial today.

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