The wilderness is one great big and beautiful place. So to celebrate this amazing fact we’re bringing some bright and bold shows to our exclusive natural history streaming service. From enormous elephant births to flourishing underwater ecosystems, onto the beautiful beaches of the Bahamas, check out our planet at its most bright and bountiful this week with the following titles.
New Shows this Week
Meet the man they call the ‘Elephant Whisperer’ of the Pittsburgh Zoo. Although caring for these mammoth animals is dangerous work, his unique skills are needed during this crucial time, as two of the elephants under his care are on the verge of giving birth.
Wild Nairobi
Ride along with Nairobi’s park rangers who have been tasked with the near impossible duty of preventing predators from attacking human settlements that are encroaching ever deeper into animal territory.
Norin’s Ark: Good Karma
Norin has arrived in his ancestral home of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Many decades ago, his family and the local wildlife suffered greatly under the extreme brutality of the Khmer Rouge. Today, all Norin can do is pass on his deep sense compassion and medical expertise to a new generation of veterinarians.
Malawi and the Lake of Stars
Journey to the shores of the cradle of humankind. Lake Malawi, one of the largest lakes in Africa is a flourishing underwater ecosystem. See how the thousands of species of cichlid fish make for colourful constellations in the Lake of Stars.
Environment: Bahamas—Part 6
Nature Scenes are an immersive, ultra HD, Slow TV viewing experience—unencumbered by words—showing our world at its most beautiful. An hour of uninterrupted Bahamas landscapes. Explore the beautiful white sand beaches, emerald waters, limestone caves, and mysterious blue holes of these tropical islands.
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