An eye-opening examination of those who survive 'off-grid'

Going off grid is a concept that means vastly different things to different people. For Charles Foster—Oxford don, barrister and author—it involved shunning work suits and spending extended periods of time living like various English animals, sleeping in bushes and holes in the ground, and feasting on live earthworms and raw plants. Despite his high-flying … Continued

The elephant trade in Southeast Asia: a slippery slope with sanctuaries

Asian Elephants These gentle giants are smaller than their African counterparts, with smaller ears and only one finger on their trunk instead of two. Raised in matriarchal herds, elephants are highly social and extremely intelligent. At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Asian Elephants stood at approximately 100,000. Today that number is … Continued

The North Pole was once home to crocodiles

In December 1908, explorer Ernest Shackleton was shocked to discover evidence of palm trees frozen in the glacial ice of Antarctica. Baffled scientists explained this unlikely finding through the theory of continental drift, but something didn’t add up. The fossilized wood that Shackleton discovered dated only 250 years ago. By that time the continents were … Continued

Death on the steppes: The saga of the saiga antelope

This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Saiga Conservation Alliance. They are a network of researchers and conservationists that are working in several countries in the Saiga’s range to save this beautiful animal. With its distinctive, almost Muppet-like nose, the saiga has a face you can’t forget. But, as a mysterious mass … Continued

Doggie detectives: How canines are becoming the new conservation superstars

  Some of those irksome traits you tell your pooch off for—like sniffing out table scraps for a late night snack—are actually the basis of amazing conservation projects all over the world. Over the last few decades researchers have been trying to come up with less invasive sampling techniques, but it’s no easy feat to … Continued

From MGM stars to man-eaters: 10 of the most famous lions throughout history

Lions (Panthera leo) are some of the most iconic creatures on Earth. Unusual among big cats for both their social behaviour and striking sexual dimorphism, these ‘kings of beasts’ have been important to humans since the dawn of mankind. Some lions have even managed to transcend the general notoriety of their species to stake out … Continued

The definitive directory of dominant females

Males are typically thought of as the stronger sex, the provider and the protector, yet this is a view that is changing. For humans, the lack of female world leaders and inequality in certain aspects of life leads many to believe it very much remains a man’s world, at least for now. But for a … Continued

The ingenious technology being used to prevent wildlife roadkill

  Wildlife and cars just don’t mix. As human populations continue to encroach on important animal habitats, the construction of roads means that more species are getting hit by vehicles than ever before. And animals aren’t the only ones who need to be worried—high speed collisions with large creatures can also prove fatal to drivers … Continued

10 surprisingly easy New Year’s resolutions that'll help save the planet

When the new year rolls around and you start planning your resolutions, don’t settle for half-baked fitness goals and unrealistic work targets. By committing to just a few small life changes, you could make a real difference to the future of our planet. Have a green 2017 by taking on these simple but environmentally-friendly New … Continued

This man combined paragliding and falconry to help educate people about vultures

When you tell someone to picture a vulture in their mind’s eye, many folks think of a creepy, bald-headed bird preying on the carcasses of dead animals. While they do have a penchant for feasting on carrion, these remarkable birds are not deserving of their bad reputation. In fact, they are quite a beautiful sight … Continued

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Help for Santa’s helpers? The plight of reindeer in Britain

Not so long ago, the only contact children in Britain had with reindeer was finding a nibbled carrot on the fireplace beside Santa’s half eaten mince pie on Christmas morning. Nowadays, they can see Rudolf in the flesh at one of numerous festive events taking place in town centres around the country and even feed … Continued

The 12 creatures of Christmas

Why is Santa’s sleigh powered by reindeer? Are partridges actually found in pear trees? And what on Earth do kangaroos have to do with the holidays? We associate a lot of animals with the festive period, but have you ever stopped to wonder why? If so, wonder no more—we’ve dug around and found out the … Continued

These amazing Ghibli gifs show off the eye-popping beauty of nature like you've never seen it before

Every Friday we feature the work of an artist, photographer or illustrator who we feel really encapsulates the love for nature we champion. So who better to feature this week than two of the most renowned illustrators of all time—Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki, of the world famous Japanese animation house Studio Ghibli. If you’ve ever watched a … Continued

The truly wonderful life and flight of the Japanese crane

The Japanese crane must surely be one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Its tall stature, striking colouration and tender courtship dance have made it an iconic species in the Far East where it lives. This species is widely regarded as a symbol of luck, longevity and fidelity, so is truly worth celebrating … Continued

From pharaohs to hairballs: How Cairo’s cats have evolved since ancient Egyptian times

Sure, there’s that segment of the population that have never warmed up to cats, but a lot of us out there have a weak spot for all things feline. Be it footage of lions roaming the plains or a YouTube video of a housecat riding a Roomba, face it, we’re more or less all suckers for … Continued

We asked some Neuroparasitologists about the tiny critters that turn animals into zombies

Mindless, wandering creatures whose only remaining purpose in life is to serve their parasitic hosts. No, not the terrifying subject of a new George A. Romero flick, but a genuine natural occurrence caused by fiendish little organisms that have evolved brain-controlling abilities in order to survive. Neuroparasitology is the scientific study of parasites that control … Continued

18 powerful GIFs of wild animals in their natural habitats

It’s one thing seeing an animal in a zoo, but an entirely different spectacle seeing the creature in its own wild environment. Indeed, the reason we find nature documentaries so alluring is the opportunity to witness an animal thriving on its own terms; living in a world that it has become perfectly attuned to thanks … Continued