Watch this cheetah bring down a gazelle
Cheetahs are swift hunters, but they have to work hard in order to bring down their prey. Watch Icons of The Wild: The Predators of Africa, now on the Love Nature app. Not a member? Subscribe now and get your first 30 days free!
Lion cub gets stuck in a tree
As it goes with tree climbing, getting down is the hardest part. This lion cub found that out the hard way.
We ain’t lion, this big cat’s breathtaking bouffant has become an internet sensation
This is Leon the Lion, and he’s obviously one cat that takes great pride in his appearance. With a perfectly coiffured mane of lusciously thick golden locks, it’s obvious why this Congolese lion has stood head and shoulders above all the other animals at Ústí nad Labem Zoo in the Czech Republic since 2005. The … Continued