Wolf Eel: The Cutest Nightmare In The Depths
The Wolf Eel looks like it’s ready to invade Minas Tirith.
Did you know that dolphins have names?
Humans have known for a long time that dolphins are intelligent animals. They are among a handful of animals that recognize themselves in a mirror. They play, they show off for boats. They even have a sweet move called the “spy hop” in which they lift their bodies vertically out of water to have a … Continued
Biologists have discovered a White Shark Café
Bleary-eyed humans flock to Starbucks and Tim Hortons when they need that next “hit” to keep them going; great white sharks dive to the remote Pacific. At least that’s what scientists are theorizing as the reason why so many sharks are frequenting a secret layer of the ocean now dubbed the White Shark Café: they … Continued
Turns out the laziest animals may inherit the Earth after all
Need another excuse to put off those chores and deadlines and snuggle in for a nap and some Netflix instead? Science may have your back. While we’ve always subscribed to Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest, it seems like survival of the laziest… or sluggish, may be more likely—at least when it comes to … Continued
Welcome to the mind-blowing world of sea slugs
On land, slugs get a bad reputation: They’re slimy, ugly and they lack an adorable shell like their snail counterparts. Under the sea, however, slugs come in a multitude of beautiful colors and shapes. Take the species of nudibranch known as Doriprismatica atromarginata, for instance: It has a beautiful frilly mantle which appears to wave … Continued
Happy World Sea Turtle Day! Meet the olive ridley sea turtle
As one of seven species of sea turtle, the olive ridley sea turtle is a little on the smaller side in comparison to his cousins. They get their name from the greenish colouring of their shell, which starts out grey when they’re young but grows greener with age. These turtles thrive in the tropical waters … Continued
Happy World Sea Turtle Day! Meet the olive ridley sea turtle
As one of 7 species of sea turtle, the olive ridley sea turtle is a little on the smaller side in comparison to his cousins. They get their name from the greenish colouring of their shell, which starts out grey when they’re young but grows greener with age. These turtles thrive in the tropical waters … Continued
Octopus makes a new home from a discarded flip-flop
You’ve got to admire the octopus: Not only are they incredibly intelligent and able to squeeze into tight places, but they’re also really resourceful. You may have seen our previous video about the Coconut Octopus, a cephalopod known for collecting seashells and coconut husks to create shelter. As you can see from The Jetlagged’s video … Continued
Find out just how skilled of a hunter the octopus is
Lacking any particular hard body parts, except for the beak, makes it very easy for the octopus to get in and out of tight spaces. This means the creature is able to snatch prey from even the tightest of quarters. See how masterful these cephalopods are at squeezing into small areas in the clip above. … Continued
20 facts about dolphins you may not have known
Did you know that killer whales are not actually whales? They are members of the dolphin family, and just so happen to be the largest member of said group. Orcas find themselves in good company, as dolphins are incredibly smart. In fact, they have the largest brain to body mass ratio of any other animal … Continued
Just how dangerous is the stingray's sting?
Going diving in tropical waters? Keep an eye open for this cartilaginous fish! The stingray sports one of the deadliest defense mechanisms in the sea. Their barbed stinger, found on the end of their tail, is incredibly sharp and venomous, and can reach a length of up to 35 cm (14 inches). Their stingers were … Continued
Stargazers are more terrifying than sharks
Stargazers are the deadly ninjas of the sea: These fish spend most of their time hiding under the sandy ocean floor. To attract prey, they use a worm-shaped lure that is attached to the floor of their mouth. When a hungry fish swims by looking to nibble on that “worm”, the stargazer leaps out of … Continued
Is this cauliflower growing underwater, or is it an upside-down jellyfish?
These strange looking creatures are not some rare form of cauliflower that only grows under the ocean waves. It is the upside-down jellyfish, a species that spends most of its life upside-down on the ocean floor. Watch Vicious Beauties, now on the Love Nature app. Not a member? Subscribe now and get your first 30 … Continued
Watch these mesmerizing jellyfish
Want to learn more about these wonderful creatures? Check out our article on The Weird and Wonderful World of Jellyfish.
You live on land thanks to this walking fish
Spoiler alert: You were once a fish. No, not recently – we’re talking 400 million years ago, when most animals living on Earth were in the water. It was around this time that Tetrapods, fish with walking limbs, started appearing on land. Millions of years of evolution later, our planet becomes home to a number … Continued