Posts by Geoff May

Child's apology note helps spread message of nature preservation

Kids say the darnedest things, and we often overlook the importance of their words. However, the staff at the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks were so touched by the note they received from a young visitor, they just had to share the child’s message. In the note, which has gained traction on the park’s … Continued

Could the universe be much smaller than we think?

Our universe is full of mystery, and just when we think we’ve figured everything out, a new mystery presents itself. At one time, we believed that space was vast and never-ending, but as we’ve uncovered more of the universe, we’re beginning to see that perhaps it’s not as infinite as we think. [geoip-content not_country=”CA”] Uncover … Continued

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Arnold Schwarzenegger charged by African elephant

‘I couldn’t have written this safari encounter better if it was a movie.’ These are the words of actor, bodybuilder and former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, who came across a massive African elephant while on safari in South Africa. Schwarzenegger posted the encounter on his YouTube page, and expressed admiration for these mighty beasts. … Continued

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Octopus makes a new home from a discarded flip-flop

You’ve got to admire the octopus: Not only are they incredibly intelligent and able to squeeze into tight places, but they’re also really resourceful. You may have seen our previous video about the Coconut Octopus, a cephalopod known for collecting seashells and coconut husks to create shelter. As you can see from The Jetlagged’s video … Continued

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Spiders are just as scary under the sea as they are on land

Arachnophobes beware, the sea is crawling with spiders! Ok, they’re not ACTUALLY spiders, but with their long spindly legs, these anthropods are sure to send shivers down your spine. [geoip-content not_country=”CA”] Learn more about sea spiders and other fascinating water-dwelling creatures by checking out Fish Life, available on the Love Nature app. Not a member? … Continued

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The Game of Thrones intro recreated with slime mold

Using time-lapse footage of slowly growing slime mold from Nick Lariontsev, YouTube user Transcend Rules has pieced together this entertaining take on the Game of Thrones introduction, complete with the theme. What are slime molds? Aptly named due to their gooey appearance, slime molds are single-celled organisms that feed on the microorganisms found in dead … Continued

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How the big bang kick-started our universe

The universe and all life within it began with a bang. A BIG bang, to be exact. But what does that exactly mean? And what happened directly after the big bang? Watch this brief clip from Cosmic Journeys above to learn more about the origin of everything. [geoip-content not_country=”CA”] Uncover other mysteries of the universe … Continued

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Find out just how skilled of a hunter the octopus is

Lacking any particular hard body parts, except for the beak, makes it very easy for the octopus to get in and out of tight spaces. This means the creature is able to snatch prey from even the tightest of quarters. See how masterful these cephalopods are at squeezing into small areas in the clip above. … Continued

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Five marine mothers and the incredible ways they care for their young

Underwater mothers face challenges and dangers we cannot imagine, including those posed by human activities such as pollution, habitat loss and underwater noise from shipping and development. It’s WWF Water Wednesday, when Love Nature television explores the unique characteristics, natural history, environmental challenges and threats facing waters and aquatic species in Canada and around the … Continued

20 facts about dolphins you may not have known

Did you know that killer whales are not actually whales? They are members of the dolphin family, and just so happen to be the largest member of said group. Orcas find themselves in good company, as dolphins are incredibly smart. In fact, they have the largest brain to body mass ratio of any other animal … Continued

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Tickling a slow loris is not cute, it's torture

If you’ve ever browsed around for cute animal videos on the internet, you may have come across videos of slow lorises being tickled. These videos usually feature a pet loris raising its arms in what appears to be pleasure, as it is caressed under its arms. You might think it is adorable, and that the … Continued

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What do colours signify for ocean-dwelling creatures?

If you live the life of a fish, one of your primary methods of communicating to others is through your colouration. Different colours mean different things, and more often than not the message is “I am poisonous, so stay away”. Take the young nudibranch featured in the video above, for instance: its bright colours let … Continued

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Just how dangerous is the stingray's sting?

Going diving in tropical waters? Keep an eye open for this cartilaginous fish! The stingray sports one of the deadliest defense mechanisms in the sea. Their barbed stinger, found on the end of their tail, is incredibly sharp and venomous, and can reach a length of up to 35 cm (14 inches). Their stingers were … Continued

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Meet the coconut octopus

As far as traveling companions go, you may want to consider this cephalopod. For one thing, you would never have to take shelter in a hostel or have to drop a lot of money for a hotel room, as the coconut octopus carries his home with him wherever he goes. It will gather up coconut … Continued

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Watch as a carnivorous plant devours a fly

Native to the cape in South Africa, the Cape sundew (Drosera capensis) is a carnivorous plant that is adorned with brightly coloured tentacles. These tentacles secrete a sticky mucilage that is used to trap and hold insects. The mucilage contains acid and enzymes that help break down and digest the poor bug. The sundew tries … Continued

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Octopuses are the World’s Greatest Escape Artists (Ft. PhilosophyTube)

When it comes to blending into their surroundings, the octopus has all other animals beat. In just under one second, an octopus can completely change the color of its skin to match the environment around it. They can also change the texture of their skin to create bumps and grooves as needed. This helps the … Continued

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Is the cassowary the deadliest bird on the planet?

Armed and dangerous: Cassowaries have three-toed feet with extremely sharp claws. The claw on their second toe is particularly deadly, as it can grow to be 5 inches long! Imagine being kicked by one of these birds (which they are known to do). Their powerful legs combined with their razor-sharp talons makes them one of … Continued

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This fish has a unique way of protecting her young from predators

Mouthbrooding, or oral incubation, is a form of parental care in which the mother or father will carry their eggs inside of their mouth. There are all kinds of species that are mouthbrooders, but it is most commonly exhibited among fish. Either the father or mother will carry the eggs around in their mouth, and … Continued

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Ever wonder what an elephant giving birth looks like?

Elephant mothers endure one of the longest gestation periods of any other mammal on Earth, which is nearly 22 months. They also give birth to some of the heaviest babies ever. The average weight of a newborn elephant is roughly 250 lbs. [geoip-content not_country=”CA”] Check out Elefamilia, now available on the Love Nature app: Meet … Continued

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Nandi the elephant learns to use her trunk

Nandi, a nearly 1-year-old African elephant, is the baby of her herd. Just like a human baby who has to learn how to walk, a young elephant has to learn how to use their trunk.

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Pandas Are Worse at Sex Than You

Pandas have seemingly done everything in their power to go extinct, should we just let them? From giraffes and gorillas to penguins and pandas, every animal is part of THE BIG FEED. This fascinating documentary takes you behind the enclosures, chronicling the challenges of feeding animals in the zoo. Everything pandas do seems to defy … Continued

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16 batty facts about bats

With approximately 1240 different species, bats make up nearly 20% of the world’s population of mammals. They are separated into two distinct groups: large, fruit-eating megabats (or flying foxes) and carnivorous microbats. Take a look at the video above for even more mind-blowing facts about these winged mammals. For more fun animal facts, check out … Continued

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Watch this cheetah bring down a gazelle

Cheetahs are swift hunters, but they have to work hard in order to bring down their prey. Watch Icons of The Wild: The Predators of Africa, now on the Love Nature app. Not a member? Subscribe now and get your first 30 days free!

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Anaka, a nearly 2-year-old gorilla, is one tough ape

Gorillas look big and menacing, but deep down they’re pretty shy. Young Anaka is nearly 2-years-old, and is already showing off and acting tough.

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