The magical footage of 2000 beluga whales playing together that simply needs to be watched

Spots of bright white fleck an otherwise calm and turquoise sea in Canada’s far north. They are beluga whales—over 2000 of them—caught on camera frolicking about in Cunningham Inlet last summer, the edited footage recently published online.

Arctic adventure tour guide Nansen Weber captured the footage whilst on a mission to film the beauty of the region’s Northwest Passage from a drone’s eye perspective, reportedly the first time this has ever been attempted.

Nansen spent four weeks filming at the Arctic Watch Wilderness Lodge on Somerset Island. We think you’ll agree, the resulting videos—like beluga whales themselves—is outstandingly magical, capturing desolate islands, pristine white ice-floes, roaming polar bears and not to mention the breathtakingly beautiful belugas themselves.

Shot on and off the coast, the footage showcases one of the last beluga nurseries on earth: Cunningham Inlet. Every year calves and their mothers congregate annually within this inlet in their thousands—forming kindergarten groups—with 10 to 15 young calves playing and socialising under the care of a few watchful adults.

If you’d like to know more about the short video, please visit for more information.